SUNITA FOUNDATION (SF) is a national level non-profit organization established by the survivors of human trafficking in 2019 AD. Together with peer survivors, the organization is founded and led by Sunita Danuwar, a Trafficking In Person (TIP) Hero-2018. In recognition of her exceptional leadership and her persistent community outreach and engagement with poor and rural communities to prevent human trafficking, and her untiring commitment to protect and empower survivors, she is listed in 36th out of 50 great leaders of the world for her continuous activism in anti-human trafficking campaign

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Ms. Danuwar is honored by different National and International Awards which include C10 Award in 2014 in Stockholm, Sweden, Asia Human Rights and Democracy Award in 2015 in Taiwan, World Women Leadership Achievement Award in 2015 and for her dedication and contribution in combating human trafficking as a survivor, she was conferred a national award by the Nepal Government on the occasion of the 10 th National Day against Human Trafficking in 2016. She has also got the membership of first global survivor’s network and is also a member of the National Committee to Control Human Trafficking - NCCHT.

Ms. Danuwar has been one of the founding members of Shakti Samuha, an organization founded by survivors of human trafficking where she spent about 23 years leading and managing anti-human trafficking programs with the organization. She has pioneered anti-human trafficking movement since then and her experiences and her relentless services have been fundamentals to reinforce and formulate anti-trafficking legislations in the country. She is a role model and a source of inspiration to millions of fellow women and girls in Nepal and abroad.

SF consolidates knowledge and experiences gained during the two decades at Shakti Samuha. The overall aim of Foundation is to reduce and prevent human trafficking and human smuggling, protection and promotion of the rights of women and child survivors of trafficking and modern day slavery including those at high risk of these and to establish a free and equitable society devoid of human trafficking and other forms of violence.

Building up on the learnings and practical experiences, SF’s core programme focuses on providing opportunities in the areas of health, education, legal support, vocational training, employment generation/employability and livelihood with outreach interventions such as prevention, protection, rehabilitation and reintegration of children, adolescents/young people and women including those who live on the street, are forced to work, are sexually exploited or are the victims of trafficking. The organization works for and with such population including those suffering from poverty and violence and empowers them to lead their life independently and with dignity

Besides, SF works in the areas of policy advocacy and campaign and lobbying for securing the rights of children, women and young people. Being a role model, Ms. Danuwar acknowledges that founding a new organization can provide opportunity to new generations by transferring skills and knowledge in preparing future leadership within and outside of the organization.

- To reduce violence against women and children through awareness campaigns, research, advocacy, and empowerment.
- To provide safe rehabilitation support and open community shelter service to both male and female survivors of human trafficking and vulnerable groups and build the capacity of women and children for empowerment and sustenance.
- To carry out the safe rescue, repatriation, rehabilitation and reintegration of survivors of human trafficking and advocate for gender equality, human rights and women’s rights.
- To coordinate with and lobby the private sector for employing survivors of violence, vulnerable groups so they can live with dignity and independently.
- To coordinate with government bodies and stakeholders for the rights and welfare of trafficking survivors and those affected by other forms of violence.
- To work effectively in collaboration with both national and international organizations and networks on the issues of women, children and larger communities. Institutionalize good governance through organizational strengthening and development.